Running from the Haze

by - 10:50 PM

Alright, Cache Valley is terrible! I can't stand haze and inversion right now, it makes for some not so pretty skies and pictures. Well today I decided to drive up the canyon and then hike until I lost the haze for some photos. I wanted to attempted some into the sun HDR images, similar to those of +Trey Ratcliff... Well they're not nearly as amazing as his (mostly because I decided to do some scouting today and hiked light-no tripod). Anyway, it's the first time I've really attempted some realistic HDR landscapes. I really need to go back and out and see if I can get some more. Hopefully later this week, there will be some more images in the processing.

On a side note: I went out after dark to try out my new Surefire tactical flashlight with some light painting near a construction zone. Only to be stopped by Mr. Officer, he claims I can't stand on the highway and shoot photos with a REALLY bright flashlight. We'll try it again tomorrow.

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